
Wielkopolskie – May 2024
Population (as of 30.06.2023) 3 487 973
Average monthly gross wages
and salaries in enterprise sector
7 322.80 zł
Registered unemployed persons 3.0%  –
Dwellings completed (I–V 2024) 7 182*
Dynamics of sold production of industry 98.5**
Dynamics of construction and assembly production 108.2**
National economy entities 510 407

*Preliminary data
**Corresponding period of previous year = 100



Poznan – May 2024
Population (as of 31.12.2023) 538 439
Average monthly gross wages
and salaries in enterprise sector
9 271.91 zł
Registered unemployed persons 1.1%  –
Dwellings completed (I–V 2024) 1 347*
Dynamics of sold production of industry 96.1**
Dynamics of construction and assembly production 106.5**
National economy entities 131 938

*Preliminary data
**Corresponding period of previous year = 100



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