Statistical Yearbook of Poznań 2023

Date of publication: | 28.12.2023 |
The Statistical Office in Poznań presents the latest edition of the „Statistical Yearbook of Poznań”. The publication provides a comprehensive description of social, demographic and economic phenomena occurring in the capital of Wielkopolskie Voivodship based on official statistics. The current edition of the biannual yearbook concerns the period 2021–2022, i.e. the two years that saw the height and gradual decline of the COVID-19 pandemic. To show the impact it had on the city’s social and economic situation, thematic tables include two preceding years, with 2019 representing the pre-pandemic situation. In terms of structure and thematic content, the „Statistical Yearbook of Poznań 2023” does not differ from previous editions and resembles the format of its counterpart for the voivodship. The current edition of the Yearbook includes final results of the Agricultural Census 2020 and the National Population and Housing Census 2021. Values of some indicators for 2020, presented in the previous edition, have been revised by accounting for data from the 2021 Census. In addition to relying on rich data resources of official statistics, information in the yearbook is also based on data from administrative sources. AVAILABLE VERSIONS: |
By: | Poznan, voivodship |