The Statistical Yearbook of Poznan City 2017

Date of publication: | 29.12.2017 |
The Statistical Office in Poznań presents the latest edition of the Statistical Yearbook of Poznań. The yearbook, published in a two-year cycle since 1999, continues the tradition of yearbooks started in Poznań in 1921. The current edition provides a wide range of information describing social, demographic and economic phenomena occurring in the city, which makes up a statistical portrait of the capital of Wielkopolskie Voivodship. In terms of structure and thematic scope, the Statistical Yearbook of Poznań 2017 resembles the format of its counterpart for the voivodship. Like its sister publication, information about family assistance (in the chapter Health care and social welfare) has been updated to include new forms of family support offered under the Family 500+ programme or the Large Family Card. Statistical information presented in the current edition of the Statistical Yearbook of Poznań 2017 refers to the period 2015–2016. In most tables, where possible, the reference period is extended to include data for 2010, and review tables also include data for 2000 to facilitate comparison and retrospective analysis. Socio-economic indicators for Poznań are compared with those for other cities with 300,000 or more inhabitants and with data for the voivodship and the country. The contents of the various thematic sections in mainly based on official statistical resources but non-statistical sources have also been used. Recommending the latest edition of the Statistical Yearbook of Poznań, I hope it will meet the expectations of both regular and new readers and will serve as a source of knowledge about the level of economic development of the capital of Wielkopolskie Voivodship and the living conditions of its citizens. AVAILABLE VERSIONS: |
By: | Poznan, voivodship |