Wielkopolskie Voivodship 2015. Subregions, Powiats, Gminas.

Date of publication: | 28.12.2015 |
The Statistical Office in Poznań presents the latest edition of the publication entitled Wielkopolskie Voivodship. Subregions, Powiats, Gminas, which describes the socio-economic situation of the voivodship according to its territorial division. In the current 16th edition, quantitative characteristics of communes (gmina), districts (powiat) and subregions contribute to creating a multidimensional portrait of the voivodship in 2014. In terms of structure and content, this edition does not differ much from previous editions. The main difference involves the manner of presentation adopted with respect to data in subregional cross-classifications. As of January 1, 2015, Poland is divided into 72 subregions (NUTS3 units), replacing the previous division into 66 subregions. In the present edition, tables with data for 2014 about subregions of Wielkopolskie Voivodship, as is the case in other voivodships, are presented in book form according to the new division, whereas the electronic version (on a CD) additionally includes information organised according to the previous division. Because the change in the territorial division at the level of subregions did not affect Wielkopolskie Voivodship, both structural approaches are identical. Recommending the publication Wielkopolskie Voivodship 2015. Subregions, Powiats, Gminas, I hope it will, as it does every year, serve as a source of knowledge about the internal diversity of the voivodship and the socio-economic situation of its component units (gminas and powiats). I also want to take this opportunity to recommend other titles published by the Statistical Office in Poznań, in particular, the parallel publication The Statistical Yearbook of Wielkopolskie Voivodship 2015, which the present publication is intended to supplement and extend by providing detailed territorial cross-classifications. |
By: | Subregions, powiats, cities with powiat status, gminas |