Tourism in Wielkopolskie Voivodship in years 2014–2017

Date of publication: | 07.09.2018 |
This is the first time that the elaboration „Tourism in Wielkopolskie Voivodship”, until now published in the series entitled “Statistical information and studies”, has appeared in the series “Statistical Analysis”. The current edition describes the development of tourism in Wielkopolskie Voivodship in the period 2014–2017. In some respects, given its reference period and, partly, its thematic scope – the current elaboration is a continuation of the edition for the years 2010–2013. The publication contains information about the tourism infrastructure, its state and degree of exploitation, as well as an assessment of the level of interest in the accommodation facilities available in the voivodship on the part of Polish and foreign tourists. In addition, the elaboration contains data provided by the Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society about tourist trails and adventure tourism. Results for Wielkopolskie Voivodship are presented by powiats to show regional variations, and are compared with corresponding information for the whole country and other voivodships. The analysis of the spatial variation in the potential of tourism is enhanced by taxonomic measures based on a synthetic indicator which is used for comparisons and rankings. The publication consists of an analytical part, illustrated by charts and figures, and a methodological notes, which contains definitions of basic terms and indicators. |