Statistical atlas of wielkopolskie voivodship

Date of publication: | 13.06.2018 |
2018 is the year marked by three momentous anniversaries associated with events that happened exactly 100 years ago: Poland's regaining of independence, the Wielkopolska uprising and the establishment of the Statistics Poland. To celebrate these events, the Statistical Office in Poznań has prepared the publication entitled “Statistical Atlas of Wielkopolskie Voivodship”, a comprehensive overview illustrating social changes and economic development of the voivodship. Socio-economic and environmental aspects presented in the atlas are an important element of the cohesion policy. With the help of charts, cartograms and cartodiagrams, the atlas describes the state and changes observed over time in different thematic areas related to human capital, quality of life, economy and natural environment. Statistical data are presented for different levels of territorial aggregation, including gminas, powiats, voivodships and in some cases, even EU regions (NUTS2). Basic information included in the atlas refer to 2016 or the most recent year for which data are available (2015 in the case regional accounts). Additional data which provide a wider perspective for the analysis of changes start from 2000, and with respect to demographic issues, include the population projection until 2040. |
By: | poviats, gminas (communities), voivodships and NUTS 2 regions for comparisons |