Statistical bulletin of Wielkopolskie Voivodship - (IV quarter 2021)
The publication includes major information concerning socio-economic situation in voivodship.
Living conditions of the population in Wielkopolskie Voivodship in 2019-2020
Publikacja Warunki życia ludności w województwie wielkopolskim jest opracowaniem cyklicznym przedstawiającym kształtowanie się wybranych zmiennych charakteryzujących różne obszary mające wpływ na poziom i jakość życia społeczeństwa. Zestawiono tu informacje z zakresu demografii, ochrony środowiska, rynku pracy, budżetów gospodarstw domowych, cen, budownictwa mieszkaniowego, edukacji, ochrony zdrowia i pomocy społecznej, kultury czy bezpieczeństwa publicznego.
Wielkopolskie voivodship 2021
Folder presents basic statistical data characterizing social-economic situation of Wielkopolskie voivodship in 2020.
Statistical Yearbook of Wielkopolskie Voivodship 2021
The Statistical Office presents the latest edition of the “Statistical Yearbook of the Wielkopolskie Voivodship” – one of the most important titles in the annual publication plan. It is the 22nd edition
of the yearbook since the creation of the voivodship in its present form. The current edition is a quantitative summary of changes observed in various areas of the socio-economic sphere in 2020. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting restrictions affecting social life and economic activity, it was a difficult year marked by a considerable slowdown affecting many processes that had been developing dynamically. Effects of the pandemic can be observed in the statistics related to various thematic areas presented in the Yearbook.
Statistical Yearbook of Poznan 2021
The Statistical Office in Poznań presents the latest edition of the “Statistical Yearbook of Poznań 2021”, which has been published in a two-year cycle since 1999 although the beginnings of the series go back to 1921. The yearbook contains a vast store of information describing social, demographic and economic phenomena occurring in the city, which provide an up-to-date picture of the capital city of Wielkopolskie Voivodship. Statistical information presented in the current edition of the Yearbook refers to the period 2019–2020. In most tables the reference period is extended to include data for milestone years, i.e. 2010 and 2015. The time range of overview tables extends to the year 2000.