Publication Population, vital statistics and migrations in Wielkopolskie Voivodship in 2017

The publication entitled Population, vital statistics and migration in Wielkopolskie Voivodship in 2017 is a periodical statistical review of the demographic situation in the Wielkopolskie Voivodship. In terms of its scope, structure and form of presentation, the publication continues the format of the previous edition.

Publication Statistical atlas of wielkopolskie voivodship

2018 is the year marked by three momentous anniversaries associated with events that happened exactly 100 years ago: Poland's regaining of independence, the Wielkopolska uprising and the establishment of the Statistics Poland. To celebrate these events, the Statistical Office in Poznań has prepared the publication entitled “Statistical Atlas of Wielkopolskie Voivodship”, a comprehensive overview illustrating social changes and economic development of the voivodship. Socio-economic and environmental aspects presented in the atlas are an important element of the cohesion policy. With the help of charts, cartograms and cartodiagrams, the atlas describes the state and changes observed over time in different thematic areas related to human capital, quality of life, economy and natural environment.

Publication Poznan - statistical bulletin - I quarter 2018

Poznan - statistical bulletin - I quarter 2018

Publication Statistical bulletin of wielkopolskie voivodship - (I quarter 2018)

The publication includes major information concerning socio-economic situation in voivodship.

Publication Report about the socio-economic situation of wielkopolskie voivodship in 2017

The Statistical Office in Poznań presents the fifth edition of Report about the socio-economic situation of Wielkopolskie Voivodship. The publication, which has become a permanent fixture in the publication calendar of the Statistical Office in Poznań, contains a comprehensive overview of latest statistical data about Wielkopolskie Voivodship, divided into 12 thematic sections: population, labour market, wages and salaries, social benefits, prices of goods and consumer services, agriculture, industry, construction, residential construction, internal market, financial results of enterprises and investment outlays. To provide the wider context of the socio-economic situation in Wielkopolskie, the data for the voivodship are compared with those for the whole country and other voivodships.

Publication Structure of wages and salaries by occupations in Wielkopolskie Voivodship in October 2016

The publication provides basic information about a structure of employment in entities of the national economy in Wielkopolskie Voivodship, reflects value of gross wages and salaries depending on social and occupational features of employees (i.e. sex, age, work seniority, education, occupation, etc.) and features characterizing establishments, where they are employed (e.g. sector of ownership, size, type of activity, etc.) as well as a distribution of surveyed population of employees by amount of wages and salaries.
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